Culture is the way we think, act, and interact. At ATS Traffic, we’ve built an internal culture that encourages team members to work hard and work together to develop new ideas. We want to grow our business, and we know our best chance to do that is by investing in our people. That’s why we offer the programs below: to give you the tools you need to succeed.

Sharing Information

Quarterly Town Hall Meetings:We discuss company performance, tell you about upcoming initiatives, and recognize team members’ wins.

Crew Meetings:We meet regularly to identify ways to improve the way you work.

Culture Newsletter:We send out a monthly internal newsletter to highlight our team, our company, and our wins.

Traffic Circle:We have an employee intranet system designed to keep us all connected and provide you the information you need to succeed.

Semi-Annual Reviews:We meet with you twice a year to review your wins, problems, and opportunities for professional development.

Promoting Positive Culture

Culture Champion Program:We elect cultural leaders in each of our branches to represent their fellow employees and promote a culture of inclusion, positivity and personal growth.

Culture Rewards:We nominate each other for living our Core Values and celebrate these nominees every month with a pizza lunch.

Recognizing Employees

Special Events:We hold special events throughout the year to recognize team members’ successes and celebrate your productivity.

Annual Service Awards:We recognize team members when they reach 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or 40 years of service.

Helping Communities

Social Responsibility:Our team regularly uses their time and resources to lead, coordinate, or donate to several local and national charities.